Goodie平台成立于2020年, 是PowerNow 共享充电宝旗下的一款会员制吃喝玩乐, 享受特价消费的平台。
用户开通会员可享受优惠价的消费体验,其汇聚国内外“吃喝玩乐”, 超过200项会员专属优惠特权,大牌美食餐饮, 近百个头部商家所提供的免费优惠和折扣 无限量使用
凡是会员推荐新会员进来,还能得到Goodie公司的推荐奖金RM40🤩,并且在各地 (国内外)都能🆓🆓🆓使用1年PowerNow充电宝。
PowerNow专注于提供移动充电解决方案, 为商业综合体 ,交通枢纽, 餐饮娱乐商家 ,旅游景区及大型展会等多种场景提供充电宝租赁服务, 以人机交互实现了用户的全自助式租借, 帮助商家提升附加服务的同时, 解决增强用户体验, 提高服务效率, 降低人工管理成本等需求。
使用方法很简单:只要在任何合作商家所投放的充电机柜, 用户通过扫描机柜上的二维码完成注册, 即可取走充电宝。充电机柜铺设点众多, 机柜之间距离合理, 可实现即充即走、随借随还。
随身携带充电, 支持异地归还。
除了会员,我们更招聘商家🤝与我们携手合作的商家, 会有一班精英广告团队替您打广告,还能为您打造更多商机。
现在就联络我们以获得更多详情 011-36503396 或浏览以下网站
Our distribution
Easy to Use Mobile App
Powernow’s Mobile App, available in both Google Playstore & Apple App Store, makes mobile charging experience convenient with it’s user friendly user interface with following features:
Map (Nearby
QR Code Scanner
In-App Multi

Portable & Fast-charging Power Bank

How to Rent/ Return a Power Bank?
Renting (3 simple steps)

1. Download App
Download Powernow mobile app in your Android/ iOS-based mobile phone. Sign up an active account. in the Powernow App.

2. Scan QR Code
Scan the QR code on the Powernow machine using Powernow mobile App. Follow the instruction in the mobile app to complete the transaction.

3. Collect
Upon successful transaction, collect the power bank omitted automatically by the machine & start charging!
Returning (3 simple steps)

1. Locate
Locate nearby Powernow station machine from Powernow mobile app.

2. Press "Return" Button
Press the "Return" button on the Powernow station machine. Upon pressing, the return slot on the machine will blink.

3. Insert
Insert the power bank into the blinking slot on the Powernow station machine to complete the returning process.